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Ethical Business Practice Policy

Eurogat provides high quality services and seeks constant improvement of all its activities. Therefore, we are committed to develop sustainable and beneficial business relationships based on mutual trust with our stakeholders. This ethical business practice policy provides the framework and is the company’s commitment to develop and implement ethical business practices across the organization. The company is obliged to operate with responsibility and to show the highest possible environmental, ethical and social management in terms of providing quality services. The partners of the supply chain are selected and evaluated on the basis of their ability to apply the business ethics practices.
Taking all the above into account, Eurogat is obliged to carry out all the company’s activities in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, we have to establish the following criteria as a minimum for selecting partners (employees, suppliers and customers), to be guided by integrity and honesty.


Core Values of business integrity

Eurogat adopts the highest ethical standards and responsibilities. Therefore, this policy is applied to all parties involved, including employees, competitors in the following areas:
• Personal data of employees, suppliers and customers are handled with responsibly and
in compliance with applicable privacy laws.
• Insider dealing is prohibited to all employees.
• Conflict of interests must be declared.
• Bribery and corruption is prohibited.
• Unethical competition is prohibited.
•Relationships with suppliers, customers and partners as well as payment practices are honest and equitable, whilst gifts and payments facilitations are prohibited
• Donations to political bodies are prohibited

Any employee who suspects or is aware of conflict of interest related to the Company’s issues should immediately report it to his/her supervisor, who will give appropriate instructions. Bribery is a criminal offence according to the Greek law and consists a form of corruption which can be defined as any offer or receipt of gift, loan, money, prize, ore any equivalent, to or from any employee of Eurogat to encourage any dishonest, illegal action in any of the company’s operations.

Zero tolerance to bribery and any form of corruption.

Employees who do not report bribery actions and other forms of corruption while they are aware of it, they commit serious offence considered as complicity. For that reason the company takes disciplinary actions, while the employee will face the consequences of the law.


Human rights and labour standards

Eurogat assures that:

• Labour is freely chosen.
• Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
• Freedom of association is respected.
• Child labour is prohibited.
• Wages are not lower than the minimum wage of the current collective agreement.
• Working hours do not exceed the limit set by law.
• There is no discrimination based on criteria as race, color, religion, gender, age, physical ability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.
• Cruel or inhumane treatment is not tolerated.



Eurogat is conscious of the impact that its business activities may cause to the natural environment and strive to diminish or mitigate these effects where possible, by developing environmental friendly material and practices. To this end Eurogat participates in recycling equipment and waste program. Additionally, all company’s suppliers operate in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations in country where their goods or services are produced or provided.



Sustainability is an integral part of our company and affects the way involved parties interact. The CEO is ultimately responsible for the company’s sustainability and for this role he is supported by the Board of Directors and the managers of all departments, who are committed to research and to develop practices that are sustainable in order to improve efficiency.



Eurogat provides products and services produced in compliance with current European legal requirements aiming not only to the good value for money, but as well as to the social, moral end environmental impacts arising from that. Therefore, the company ensures the announcement of its policy to all its suppliers in order to organize communication, understanding, and the acceptance of this policy as an integral part of the partnership. Finally, Eurogat supports and encourages any sustainable strategy of its suppliers by developing mutual beneficial partnerships and promoting ethical policies, practices and procedures.


Sales and marketing

Eurogat is committed to responsible sales and marketing practices which honestly and fairly represent the company’s skills to undertake its services provided to the benefit of the company and its clients, taking in to account the relevant social, ethical and environmental